BoxFresh Sparko Shoes

Most pairs of BoxFresh shoes are quite appealing. Unlike other major shoe brands, there's not that many pairs on the market that don't look great. The Sparko range of BoxFresh footwear is no exception, their appearance is like a pair of shoes but once broken in they are as comfortable as a pair of trainers. The soft soles also contribute to this. BoxFresh Sparko come in a variety of different colours including white, black, various shades of brown, grey, navy, and also khaki. Most colours available compliment casual clothing styles very well.


BoxFresh Sparko come in either leather or suede. It's recommended that you avoid the suede BoxFresh as they tend to become worn and discolour much more quickly then the leather pairs. Specially if your wearing your suede Boxfresh Sparko in the UK where the weather is very temperamental.

When suede becomes wet, which is a certainty at some point in the UK, it's near impossible to get the shoes back to there former glory. If you've had the shoes a while and aren't really that bothered about them looking slightly more worn out then you don't have to worry. However, the leather BoxFresh Sparko are your best bet all round as they are more hard wearing. All pairs have the upper of the shoe stitched to the sole which means they won't fall apart easily.

Overall, BoxFresh in general are superb shoes that are in many ways in a different league to most other shoes on the high street. BoxFresh has managed to achieve a middle ground between shoe and trainer, which is what many people are looking for. BoxFresh shoes have a habit of converting first time buyers into repeat customers due to their diversity. They really are the best of both worlds.

BoxFresh Sparko shoes are smart, trendy, comfortable to wear, and can be found cheaply priced on websites like Amazon if you hunt out the bargains.

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